Tuesday, April 7, 2009

This is turning into a knitting blog?

Handwarmers - finished!
These are the finished Daisy Stitch Handwarmers I saw on the Purl Bee. They took a little longer because I stopped for a while to work on other projects. Very fun to make and not as hard as it looks! Don't knit it up too tightly or else you'll have problems with the k3tog.
Applied I-Cord
Almost done with this bag, another project from the Purl Bee - I started this about a week ago and now have only one handle left to knit up. Very quick to do and inspiring for more projects of my own design. I thought I would have a problem with the applied I-cord but it is very simple to do. All you need is a pair of double-pointed needles, fast becoming my favorite knitting tool.

It also employs a basic crocheting technique. I've decided I want to learn to crochet as well - I think it's a good skill to have to add embellishment to projects, and there are some things in crochet that you cannot make with knitting. So la di da.

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