Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Meanwhile back in the city...

I don't have much to say anymore. It's not that I'm not doing anything interesting, it's just that it's hard to find the time to gather my thoughts and sit down to write.

I can say that my stint at jewelry making (assembling) while fun, was not that successful fiscally. I still want to continue making things, but I don't think I will try to sell them. I will, however, bulk up on my knitting. Currently I'm working on some knitted link necklaces (shown below) and some more neck cowls, which are popping up more and more this year.

I can also say that our apartment is coming along nicely. We're done painting and fixing, now we are working on filling it out with artwork and furniture. Namely, we need some benches for our farm-style dining table as well as frames for some of my posters. I've also been eBaying Mexican tile.

Recently we went on a trip upstate to Tuthilltown Spirits where they distill, age and bottle their own vodka, rye, bourbon and whiskey. It's a really small operation but it was pretty inspiring - you can pretty much do anything you want to if you're dedicated enough. It's beautiful up there, and quiet. We want to rent a house near the river or one of the lakes next fall.

My second-biggest news is that I am applying to go on a trip to Kenya next spring. My company is sponsoring a community there through a charity called Free the Children, which helps to build schools, plant trees, supply fresh water and teach sustainability. It's a week-long trip, all expenses paid and we will be volunteering as well as sight-seeing. So I have an essay due this Friday that I cannot seem to start. I'm hoping I'll be hit with some inspiration soon - it's hard to write about something I have almost no knowledge about.

Other than that, I hate sitting inside at my desk all day while the sun shines through the windows beside and behind me.

Red squirrel in the morning. Red Squirrel in the evening.

1 comment:

Bonbon Oiseau said...

i think i just read about that distillery in brooklyn eats. wow--the trip sounds amazing--great to hear!