Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's granny time

60/305 2009 Latest knitting project
My KnitPicks order came yesterday and I was excited to start a new project. I started this scarf last night and after about 5 tries I finally got it. This is the Lovely Leaf Lace scarf from the Purl Bee, made with supima cotton-modal yarn instead of cashmere. At $2.50 a ball from KnitPicks, I wanted a cheap yarn for my first try.

I had to invoke the help of the Knit Witch, who helped with stitches I've never done before like "ssk"or "s1, k2tog, psso." It was all Greek to me too until I watched some videos. And now I am obsessed with knitting lace.

I think this yarn weight and needle size is good for a nubbier yarn like cashmere. I want to try it with a bamboo-silk blend next, so I will have to use smaller needles. I am planning to invest in some Denise interchangeable knitting needles - this is the best option I've seen out there. With all the different lengths and sizes I need, it's better to have this little kit instead of a zillion different needles flying around.

Patterns in general are difficult for me to follow because I often forget which row I am on and I don't use a counter. I usually just wing it and hope for the best. Hopefully I can learn to be more disciplined because eventually I want to knit onesies and baby blankies and stuffed knit animals for all my married and soon-to-be married friends. Start breeding already!


ana dane said...

what a lovely scarf. very impressive for your first foray into lace...isn't it fun? i have to say, though, cough up the $1 for a counter. i always thought they were for morons but it makes a big difference when you're in the middle of a row, the phone rings, the cat throws up, and something starts burning in the oven.

that way you at least know where you are when you finally get back to it.

AC said...

ahh you are so right! the other night i lost count and had to count rows about 10 times to be sure. will snatch one up when i order my interchangeable needles set.

thanks also for the link to the cowl design - i love stockinette stitch!