Monday, July 27, 2009

A dilemma in the kitchen

Home improvement is going really well thanks to Alex. He painted the master bath and re-grouted the tiles along the edge of the tub and also painted the mirror and light fixture so they look fresh and clean. This weekend he worked on the kitchen. This is what I'm working on now. Originally I wanted kind of a southwestern theme but I didn't the typical adobe-mustard-turquoise color palette. Plus, we are thinking of painting the kitchen a bright tomato red...

Here are some ideas I got from the Color Hunter, which is a great sight for searching color palettes based on key words and photos from Flickr.

The Painted Desert - I love the red but this is too typical of a color scheme.

This one's called the Flickr Express. The dark color on the left is a deep forest green.

I like this one, called Diorama but the colors might be a little too muted. I picked this one because I was also considering painting the kitchen a jade green at one point.

This is Bryce Canyon - I think this is what I will end up going with. The blues flow nicely into orange and brick red. It's a little too Burnt Sienna for me though so I might choose a red that is closer to red-orange.

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