Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mac n Cheese for Dummies

Real dummies. Here's a recipe in Ryan & Alexis speak:

Ryan: Looks like I'm doing Mac and cheese for Maan's dinner. Do you have recipe?
me: 1. mac 2. cheese 3. bake

Mac & Cheese for Dummies:
1. Cook mac al dente.
2. Melt butter in a pot, add flour and cook flour taste out.
3. Add heavy cream.
4. When it simmers, add cheese, any cheese. Gruyere, cheddar, fontina best.
5. Melty times.
6. Then add mac.
7. Mix mix. Add cooked bacon if you like.
8. Then dumpy in Pyrex.
9. Bake bake. Add bread crumbs. Bake bake some more.

Ryan: I like melty times! :D

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